So where was I? oh yeah first night of Men's bible study. We start with the book of Acts, never read it had no clue about it, I think by this point I had read a little bit of Genesis and some of Mathew. Well the book of Acts is about the early church and the first preaching of the Gospel and other things that I am still learning as we are still in the book of Acts in bible study to this day, chapter 16-17 at this point.
Well after the first night of Bible study I realized I certainly was not a Christian. I had not accepted Jesus as my savior, I was not really sure what that even meant. I did feel lacking of something. I suddenly felt inadequate. I had a void that I felt needed to be filled, it had always been there I just really felt the weight of it after that night. I was still not sure what to do or what to make of it but I knew I wanted to keep investigating.
As a letter carrier I am very fortunate that I have plenty of time to listen to music or whatever on my headphones as I walk along delivering my route. My pastor had recommended an "app" that I could listen to on my phone, "Mars Hill Church" with Pastor Mark Driscoll. I had never heard a sermon like this. The hour long sermons Pastor Driscoll gave were, well, intense, powerful and fully connecting to me. I remember walking down the street delivering my mail on the verge of sobbing, and on the next block I was laughing out loud. It was coming together for me. Religion as Driscoll put it is a "steaming pile" but Jesus, Jesus was the perfected Adam. Jesus, God become man, was sent by the Father for me. To do what I could not ever hope to do.
It was on Judith St. when it kind of hit me, or tapped me on the shoulder, Adam was the original sinner and man has sinned ever since, and God sent his Son to take my sin for me that I may gain eternal life. When I got back to my car I sat and tried to think of the words I was supposed to say, I didn't have a bible with me, but I said something like, "ok Jesus I am yours, I want you to take me and do with me and my life as you will. Guide me and help me grow and learn Your word."
I wasn't sure if I had said it right, but I knew He would know.
The next Bible study I told Pastor how I realized I had not been a Christian, he asked if he thought I was now, I could barely say it but I did say yes. I think he was almost as happy as I was. I truly have not looked back since. It really has been that whole paradigm shift that I have heard of but never believed. I have become those things I had mocked, and I don't really care if people want to mock me. I have more than I could have hoped, and my life has changed in so many ways, some I have already discussed and others I will post in future blogs. The most important of which I find, other than my relationship with Jesus, is the relationship with my wife.
I will close this by saying if you have read this and have questions ask your Pastor, or find one to ask, for if you have read this with an open heart and mind I believe the Holy Spirit is calling on you to explore and come to Him. I pray that you will.
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