Thursday, January 26, 2012

God will speak to you

God will speak to you, yes it's true He will. As a Christian you have a personal relationship with Him, He is in your heart and has a personal interest in your life. Now does this mean He will audibly converse with you on every aspect in your life, no. And I have never had the priviledge to have him audibly speak to me, however there has been times when I can feel Him push me in a certain direction. Times when the Holy Spirit has moved me to do something I would not have done on my own.
  So can you seek and communicate with Him everyday? I know that I do and have come to rely upon it, to crave it. I read, or listen, to the Bible daily.  I dont think there has been too many days when I have not sought help or advice from Jesus since he saved me. Ask Him to come and take control of your life and He will, sometimes this is more difficult than it may sound for you will second guess what He wants. I know I have lived most of my life listening to my own advice, on good days I feel like I have done pretty well, and on bad days know how it can be. Now I still have good and bad days but even on bad days I still am amazed that when I turn to Him I can almost always get straightened out and put things in perspective.
  Sometimes when bad things happen we seek a quick fix, we do live in an instant society afterall, but God's providence does not. He is the same eternally. The same God that made Abraham wait 25 years for his first born son is the same God of today. He may give you a solution instantly or he may wait a lifetime or lifetimes. We think in human way of human problems, He thinks in a Godly way on His terms. Only He knows why, and if you ask why surely you will only frustrate and confuse yourself.
 I guess what I am trying to say is God will talk to you, He will answer your prayers, but He will do it on his terms, in His time, for His glory. And this is what Christians should pray for everytime we talk to Him.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Let it Snow

Contemplate snow. Thankfully we haven't had much snow this year, so contemplating it doesn't automatically depress me. Now in depth really think about snow, now how would you describe it to someone who has never experienced snow, notice I didn't say "see" snow, because anyone knows snow knows it is an experience. It is cold, it is slick, it is wet, fluffy, pretty and so many other adjectives. According to  "Lexemes referring to snow and snow-related notions in Steven A. Jacobson's (1984) Yup'ik Eskimo dictionary[1]" there are at least 15 words for snow in the Eskimo lexicon.
 So really giving an honest effort to someone who has never experienced snow how would you even begin. I'll try by best.
  Whitish frozen water crystals that can be almost sand like, yet melt on your tongue, which fall from the sky in varying intensity and may accumulate rapidly. Snow accumulated on the ground can be very pretty, even beautiful, especially when the sun hits it at just the right angle and it reflects like diamonds, causing the one gazing upon it to squint as if looking into the sun. It is hard to walk upon, slippery and putting one off balance, yet people like to strap pieces of wood, called skis, to their feet and glide on top of it, or strap-on special shoes, called snow shoes. to prevent from getting sunk in to deep snow. Snow can be light and fluffy, or wet and dense, pure and clean, or dirty and mucky. It can bring joy or misery. Pure and simple it is something that needs to be experience to truly understand. No matter the description, how adept and adequate the description the reader will never truly be able to appreciate snow.
 Now contemplate God. Have you ever experienced God in your life? Have you asked Jesus to take control of your life? If you have can you describe it to someone? We can all study about Jesus, but do we really know Him? How do you share that knowledge with someone else?
  If you think I know the answers, HA! I wish I knew the answers. Only thing I do know is that I will try to share the Word, I will share my story, but until you experience God and have a personal relationship with Jesus, you cannot know God.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Brood of Vipers

Okay the other day I talked about a having a new Christian "high", after all Jesus is our saviour, he saved us, he saved me! How amazing! As we learn more what this means we find that it was not just a simple act performed by God, like a wave of his hand. Jesus, Gods only begotten son, was murdered by us (sinners) to take our sin, for our sins. He took our sins upon Himself. Think upon your sins, he felt the weight of all those sins upon the cross, plus all the rest of the sinners for all eternity. The word excruciating comes from lack of descrpition of the pain felt from being on the cross, it means literally "from the cross" Jesus was scourged(beaten and flailed) which killed many before even being nailed to the cross, then was forced to carry his cross, a huge beam of wood weighing more than He could bear in the end and had to be carried by Simon. Fully bloody and exhausted his hands and feet were then nailed to the cross by long metal spikes his body was then hoisted up and he would feel the full weight of his body pulling on those spikes. Just horrible!
 Now alot of this information was derived from my reading of the Bible as well as "Doctrine:what Christians should believe" by Mark Driscoll and Gerry Breshears. paraphrased mostly but I wanted to give credit as well as two very good books to read, especially the first.
 Ok this all being said please do NOT let your enthusiasim  lead to buying things like this:

Now I dont blame Oreintal Trading for selling it, I would only blame those who buy it. What comes to mind is the phrase "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?" Matthew 23:33

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ok so Tim Tebow lost tonight. Does this mean God has forsaken him, should he give up his faith because God has failed him ?...Hardly....Seriously?..Yup God cares about football that's his ultimate goal ....for His team to win. Well being from New England ...its true, which is why the Pats won!
Ok this is why I am writing this particular entry..just because your a Christian does not mean everything will go your way. Alot of us, including me,  start with a "Christian High" and soon realize life is still hard. This should be expected in fact we should be lucky if we get any sort of "christian High " at all. Immediately we should expect people calling us fools and losers for excepting Christ. Any belief in anything other than personal success is fool hardy nowadays. So anyone claiming in a belief other than that is to be criticized and put down ...sometimes from unexpected critics. Family members, friends and even just media you used to enjoy seem to mock your belief. You cannot let this sway you, take heart in the Word and in fellowship that you are closer to God in Jesus Christ everyday. No matter what anyone thinks or how you are criticized, the only one who matters is Jesus. I will never say I know all or know everything, in fact I think  I know very little, but I am learning and I hope you will do the same no matter how inadequate you feel or how people criticize you. God Bless!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

My walk so far..

Why? Well I'm writing this blog to keep record of my walk with Jesus as a new Christian. I will tell how I was saved. I will tell the things I am learning and what new Christians think. I will try my best with the help of the Holy Spirit and my pastor to be honest and be real in what to expect when you realize Jesus has called you and you answer that call.
 It has been about 6 months since I have recognized Jesus as my saviour, he has been calling me for alot longer.  Mostly I want men who are like me to read this and would normally mock me,cause that's who I used to be, to read this. But I do hope  there will be something for everyone.
 Becoming a new Christian can be overwhelming. There is a TON to learn and READ, it can can make it seem impossible, and basically it is. However it should not prevent us from trying, for nothing is impossible through Jesus. (Insert Bible reference here) And its true we should for a start come to the Bible as a young child, "why" "how come" "why" and "Why?" and if your still not sure of something ask again. Hopefully you'll be blessed enough to have a pastor like mine that you can text message with a specific question and he will answer in a short time with more info than you even need, with specific biblical references that you can look up.
 Ok yeah a pastor, freaks my teenage daughter out. "You text the pastor?" "Uhm like yeah I do." They are people too. My pastor, Johnathan, is married, has a great wife a young child and one on the way. We talk about not just Tebow... we discuss sports, life, food, stuff...guy stuff. Maybe I got lucky from the start I don't know but I'm happy to call him my Pastor.
  Ok enough for now I know its going to be a long walk. And I pray to share it with all who will hear it and if your reading this it includes you so thank you for reading and if you are a new Christian and would care to share with me that would be fantastic!
God Bless!