I just recently started reading a book on prayer called "E.M. Bounds on Prayer" only three chapters, and the foreword so far, and I must say I am impressed with this mans life and thoughts on prayer.
Born in 1835 on the American frontier with little to no formal education.However in his lifetime he was to become the head of his own congregation, serve as a chaplain in the Union army during the civil war, have two wives(after the first had passed away suddenly) numerous children(three who passed away at a young age), and walked away from a lucrative job including a pension for the sake evangelism. (Read the book to find out about that!)
He was a man who would wake at 4 am in order to pray until 7 am,then after a breakfast would turn to Scripture and writing, both sermons and books. (the preceding was taken from excerpts from the preface of Hendrickson Christian Classics of the same book)
Chapter one seems, rightfully so, to approach prayer quite seriously. After all prayer is communication with God All Mighty, All Knowing, the Everlasting God. The first chapter in "On Prayer" is all about the need to communicate, to pray, to Him with the whole being of man. Heart, soul, mind and body.
'Tis not enough to bend the knee,
And words of prayer to say;
The heart must with the lips agree,
Or else we do not pray.
One must prepare about what to pray for, one must think about what to pray for, one must feel, desire, need, want what one prays about. Not in the selfish ways you as the reader are likely to think.( Yeah, hmm what do I really want? What do I really need? I really want world peace.) Those are all well and good but prayer is not about you, it is about God. Pray what you want God to do in your life, pray what His will is for you and the world to do. Pray that He comes and brings world peace as He will. For we have the thoughts of man and He does not have thoughts like ours. So before you pray take time to contemplate, really contemplate, God and His will, then apply it to what you pray for.
Chapter two is about humility. "So the last will be first, and the first will be last." (Mt 20:16) This world is all about accomplishments, as measured by other people. We pay grown men millions of dollars to swing a bat at a ball, and they only connect about one third of the time, for about 160 games a year. I love baseball, but it is also a game played by children. How much more important is God! Without whom there is no life, much less baseball. Compare His accomplishments to that of a baseball player? I think not. "Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him
answer it." Job 40:2
We are nothing without God, we are nothing compared to God, and we are nothing without Gods providence. So come and pray not like the Pharisee but like the tax collector. Do not pray for others to hear that they may be impressed, be humble before your God when you come to pray. "I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before
God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself
will be exalted." Luke 18:14
Chapter three is about devotion. Devotion is a word used far to little today or in such a small manner and often in a sarcastic manner. Who would consider them selves truly devoted to their spouse?Maybe they would be devoted to their vocation, or (worse yet) to their avocation. But are you devoted to God? Have you devoted yourself to prayer to God? E.M. Bounds devoted three hours a day, waking early for the purpose, do you have that kind of devotion? God gave his only Son to suffer and die for your sins, can you find devotion in your heart to that God? If your not sure perhaps you should read or reread one of the Gospels. May I suggest you read it at one sitting that the fullness of the Gospel not be watered down. Lest I be called a hypocrite by people who know me, I have not yet reached that point where I pray three hours a day, especially not at one sitting. I am fairly close however if all totalled up through the course of a day, and someday perhaps I will find that dedication and devotion as E.M. Bounds had.
How do you feel about your Church? The bride of Christ. Are you going to Church? Does your Church preach the Gospel? (If not, may I suggest you find one that does as your soul may depend on it) Are you like allot of Christians who go to church begrudgingly because you were raised that way, or that you think it's "good enough"? Are you happy at the end of the sermon because you know its almost time to leave? "Amen!" You think "I'll make the game after all" or "Whew, back to bed" or just "Thank God that's over with"? Be honest with yourself, because your pastor may not know your answer but God does.
Which brings me to your pastor, how do you view him? As a self righteous orator judging you from afar spouting scripture and "-ism's"? A judgemental teacher that no one could live up to? A political preacher telling you how to live your life? or, worse yet, a really good story teller? May God forbid you have any of these type of people leading you. For yes they are a leader, for good or bad. And this is why first you should find one that preaches the gospel, and second find one that "connects" with you. The second being purely a luxury. A good pastor is one who is divinely called by God who will share the whole word of God with you. Not simply teach lessons, or preach only the "good news". Being that your Pastor is divinely called by God and is commanded to teach you His word and will be judged by God not only for his actions but also by yours, you should show your pastor the respect he deserves. That being said you should never rely upon your pastor wholly for the Word. Be as a Berean for "Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they
received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day
to see if what Paul said was true." Acts 17:11 Paul who was teaching them the Good News as a pastor, but yet they compared everything he said to Scripture.By the way do you have "great eagerness" for the Word of God? I pray you do.
So after only three chapters on prayer we have preparation, devotion and humility. A good place to start no doubt. God hears all prayers and answers all prayers, even the "foxhole" prayers of atheists. For all the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit has done for me, I choose to pray in the best manner I can and I assume I will be forever learning how to do just that. To God be the glory!
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