Saturday, May 26, 2012

Invitation to Prayer Group

2 Corinthians 1:11 You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.

As I was walking my postal route one day listening to the Bible through my headphones my thoughts turned to prayer, specifically group prayer. I thought about how some of my prayers had come to pass, and how awesome it felt when they came true. That make me think of the time Madeline had testified about her knee and how God had given her strength, and the time Eric told us how our prayers had helped heal his nephew who is now cancer free. Amen! How awesome is it to know He is personally touching and guiding our lives.

I began to wonder if there was more we could do as a church family to pray and learn about prayer, and to share. I thought it would be awesome to have a separate time set aside like Bible study to come together just for this.

While still on my route I called Pastor and told him my thoughts, I was excited. He seemed interested, and I suggested maybe one of the deacons could lead it, he immediately suggested that I do it. I think he it was on my heart, I was excited about it, and maybe I should consider leading it. We prayed about it, and I continue to pray about it.

Yikes! It had only been a few weeks since I had said my first "Grace" at dinner. However I am really excited about this and I could feel God leading me forward. I've been reading .....a lot. And I have been praying ....a lot.

One of my most recent prayers is that most, or all, of you will come and see, and that we will begin a time where we meet as a church family, and pray. This will, at least, be time spent with your church family and at most a powerful prayer experience lifting up God's will.

We are starting next week, at 9:45 and going till 10:15. When we move to summer hours, we will move to 8:45 and run till 9:15. Come, takepart, and join with your brothers and sisters in prayer. Bring your concerns, bring your prayers and remember…Matthew 18:20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”

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