Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Gay Marriage

So North Carolina passed a marriage amendment today making marriage between one man and one woman in that state. Now God had already done this some time ago, so I don't see what the big deal is. That being said in America we have separation of church and state, why any state should be sanctioning any one's marriage these days is beyond me. Marriage should be up to the churches, and civil unions should be up to the state. Marriage is a holy union, something set aside by God to be holy. It has nothing to do with rights or taxes or health proxy's, these are man made things.
 There are certainly churches which sanction gay marriage, I don't see how its allowed under the bible, and I will not attend those churches as is of course my right in America. I happen to attend a church which does not sanction gay marriage, which again is my right as an American. Even if I did not have this right, and it seems to be on the horizon that the freedom OF religion is getting more in jeopardy, I would still hold this belief and attend this church.
 Like many sins homosexuality is a sin, while I am not gay I am too a sinner, does this mean I cannot go to church? Of course not. Should the sick not be allowed to go to the hospital? Does this mean the church should allow, endorse or even encourage my sin? Of course not. We try daily with the help of the Holy Spirit to see, repent and turn from our sin.
  God tells us to love each other, and God does love sinners. So yes I do believe homosexuals should have every right under the law as all people of this country should. Call it civil union, call it what ever you would like, but to me marriage will always be according to God's definition.

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