Saturday, December 1, 2012

Small Miracles and Faith

The following is a true story, a true story of faith and small miracles. It’s about a faith that matters and a small miracle that some will say doesn’t matter, but I say is of utmost importance; to me at least, having been the only witness of this particular small miracle. So why bother telling of it? To some reading this story I will seem to be a fool, maybe even deranged, but my hope is that someone will read this and learn to see the small miracles in their life.

 We must start off defining a small miracle, for me it is a thing either in nature or in the supernatural which remind us of the biggest miracle, that God loves us. Small miracles could be as simple as a magnificent sunset, or that we sat up in the morning and put our slippers on, or the smile on a child’s face upon seeing their favorite toy. These things are all around us and we daily seem to take them for granted. There is, sadly, a finite point to how many of these miracles we will see in this lifetime, and we never know which miracle will be the last one we see, so I intend on never wasting one.

 Reason and definition having been explained let us get to the story of the small miracle; remember to keep an open mind, and an open heart.

 I was walking down the sidewalk during a light snow and I see from the corner of my eye a snowflake which has seemed to defy gravity midflight and is now hovering a few feet above the ground. All while other snowflakes continue to fall all round it, why does this one not fall?  As I take a step closer to see it starts to dance, up and down, side to side in a rhythmic pattern like a ballerina on an oversized stage. Soon it is joined by another snowflake and then another, am I dreaming? Am I dead? Is this my gentle but amazing welcome to heaven?

 I stare for another moment or two before realizing I am still quite awake and alive, surely the cold numbness in my nose and toes would not bother me so much in heaven. But I cannot deny that now nearly a dozen snowflakes are dancing just for my eyes, part of me wants an explanation for this glorious exposition, but part of me does not. I resolve to not interrupt their dance, and while I don’t want to leave I have things to do, responsibilities to keep. I praise God for sending those tiny dancers, showing me that around the corner there is always a small miracle waiting. I was there standing for but a few more seconds, the dance was beginning to end and just  as I moved on He showed me the single fine thread of a spiders web from the tree to a stick on the ground on which He had captured the dancers on.

 Shortly after I walked away from my small miracle the snow had stopped. And I thought to myself,” no one else will see that”, “if I tell about it no one will believe me”, and then I thought “I don’t care. It was awesome; in all my life I have never seen such a thing”.

 My short paragraph recalling the event does in no means do it justice, the sequence of events paired with the feeling I had; tied with the week of struggles and joy. It came upon me like wave of reassurance seeing this small miracle; when you see one you’ll know what I mean. It’s like God patting you on the back saying “Yes I’m still here”

 Now I’m sure many of you will say "see that’s no miracle" or "there’s no God in that" but I say when was the last time you saw a dozen snowflakes dancing in unison in the matter the method.

1 comment:

Janice Porter said...

that must have been beautiful..thanks for sharing.