Thursday, January 26, 2012

God will speak to you

God will speak to you, yes it's true He will. As a Christian you have a personal relationship with Him, He is in your heart and has a personal interest in your life. Now does this mean He will audibly converse with you on every aspect in your life, no. And I have never had the priviledge to have him audibly speak to me, however there has been times when I can feel Him push me in a certain direction. Times when the Holy Spirit has moved me to do something I would not have done on my own.
  So can you seek and communicate with Him everyday? I know that I do and have come to rely upon it, to crave it. I read, or listen, to the Bible daily.  I dont think there has been too many days when I have not sought help or advice from Jesus since he saved me. Ask Him to come and take control of your life and He will, sometimes this is more difficult than it may sound for you will second guess what He wants. I know I have lived most of my life listening to my own advice, on good days I feel like I have done pretty well, and on bad days know how it can be. Now I still have good and bad days but even on bad days I still am amazed that when I turn to Him I can almost always get straightened out and put things in perspective.
  Sometimes when bad things happen we seek a quick fix, we do live in an instant society afterall, but God's providence does not. He is the same eternally. The same God that made Abraham wait 25 years for his first born son is the same God of today. He may give you a solution instantly or he may wait a lifetime or lifetimes. We think in human way of human problems, He thinks in a Godly way on His terms. Only He knows why, and if you ask why surely you will only frustrate and confuse yourself.
 I guess what I am trying to say is God will talk to you, He will answer your prayers, but He will do it on his terms, in His time, for His glory. And this is what Christians should pray for everytime we talk to Him.

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