Sunday, January 15, 2012

Ok so Tim Tebow lost tonight. Does this mean God has forsaken him, should he give up his faith because God has failed him ?...Hardly....Seriously?..Yup God cares about football that's his ultimate goal ....for His team to win. Well being from New England ...its true, which is why the Pats won!
Ok this is why I am writing this particular entry..just because your a Christian does not mean everything will go your way. Alot of us, including me,  start with a "Christian High" and soon realize life is still hard. This should be expected in fact we should be lucky if we get any sort of "christian High " at all. Immediately we should expect people calling us fools and losers for excepting Christ. Any belief in anything other than personal success is fool hardy nowadays. So anyone claiming in a belief other than that is to be criticized and put down ...sometimes from unexpected critics. Family members, friends and even just media you used to enjoy seem to mock your belief. You cannot let this sway you, take heart in the Word and in fellowship that you are closer to God in Jesus Christ everyday. No matter what anyone thinks or how you are criticized, the only one who matters is Jesus. I will never say I know all or know everything, in fact I think  I know very little, but I am learning and I hope you will do the same no matter how inadequate you feel or how people criticize you. God Bless!

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