Contemplate snow. Thankfully we haven't had much snow this year, so contemplating it doesn't automatically depress me. Now in depth really think about snow, now how would you describe it to someone who has never experienced snow, notice I didn't say "see" snow, because anyone knows snow knows it is an experience. It is cold, it is slick, it is wet, fluffy, pretty and so many other adjectives. According to "Lexemes referring to snow and snow-related notions in Steven A. Jacobson's
(1984) Yup'ik Eskimo dictionary[1]" there are at least 15 words for snow in the Eskimo lexicon.
So really giving an honest effort to someone who has never experienced snow how would you even begin. I'll try by best.
Whitish frozen water crystals that can be almost sand like, yet melt on your tongue, which fall from the sky in varying intensity and may accumulate rapidly. Snow accumulated on the ground can be very pretty, even beautiful, especially when the sun hits it at just the right angle and it reflects like diamonds, causing the one gazing upon it to squint as if looking into the sun. It is hard to walk upon, slippery and putting one off balance, yet people like to strap pieces of wood, called skis, to their feet and glide on top of it, or strap-on special shoes, called snow shoes. to prevent from getting sunk in to deep snow. Snow can be light and fluffy, or wet and dense, pure and clean, or dirty and mucky. It can bring joy or misery. Pure and simple it is something that needs to be experience to truly understand. No matter the description, how adept and adequate the description the reader will never truly be able to appreciate snow.
Now contemplate God. Have you ever experienced God in your life? Have you asked Jesus to take control of your life? If you have can you describe it to someone? We can all study about Jesus, but do we really know Him? How do you share that knowledge with someone else?
If you think I know the answers, HA! I wish I knew the answers. Only thing I do know is that I will try to share the Word, I will share my story, but until you experience God and have a personal relationship with Jesus, you cannot know God.
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